Seth Freed Wessler

Seth Freed Wessler is an award-winning investigative journalist and documentary maker. He is a reporter at ProPublica covering immigration.


Seth Freed Wessler

Seth Freed Wessler is an investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker. He is currently a staff reporter at ProPublica where he covers immigration. Seth has won more than a dozen national awards for his reporting including a Peabody Award, the Hillman Prize, and the Sigma Delta Chi Award for Magazine Investigative Reporting. He was a finalist for the National Magazine Award. He has reported for The New York Times, This American Life, Reveal, Mother Jones, the Smithsonian Magazine, The Nation, WNYC, and others.  He is the director of THE FACILITY, an Oscar-shortlisted documentary.

Seth's accountability reporting projects on immigration, federal law enforcement and racial justice have led to the passage of new legislation, spurred lawsuits and advocacy campaigns, and forced federal, state and local officials to correct harmful practices.

Seth was previously a reporting fellow at Type Investigations, a staff reporter for and, a visiting scholar at NYU’s Arthur Carter Journalism Institute, a Soros Media Fellow, and a Logan Nonfiction Fellow at the Carey Institute for Global Good. He taught graduate courses at CUNY’s Newmark Graduate School of Journalism.

Seth has also won the Sigma Delta Chi Award for Magazine Investigative Reporting from the Society of Professional Journalists, the American Bar Association Silver Gavel Award, the National Association of Black Journalists Salute to Excellence Award, the Investigative Prize from the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists Award for Investigative Journalism, the Sidney Award, the Online Journalism Award, the Deadline Club Award for Investigative Audio Reporting, the John Bartlow Martin Award, the John Jay/Guggenheim Award for Criminal Justice Reporting and the Izzy Award. His Academy Award-shortlisted documentary premiered on MSNBC and was an official selection at film festivals including IDFA, DocNYC, DocsMX, Double Exposure, Full Frame and AFI Fest.

Seth's email is open for tips and ideas.